The president of HM Hospitales, Juan Abarca Cidón, and the CEO of Fundación ONCE, José Luis Martínez Donoso, have renewed the Inserta agreement that they first signed in 2017, which will mean that the hospital company will continue to promote the hiring of people with disabilities.
As explained by Dr. Abarca, “it is essential to continue giving visibility and opportunities for direct labor insertion to people with disabilities. This, which seems so obvious, should be an inalienable maxim of our society. HM Hospitales renews this commitment and is committed to raising social awareness in this field. For this reason, and with the support of the ONCE Foundation and Inserta Empleo, we will continue to incorporate workers with disabilities into the workforce, promoting their training and encouraging internship programs aimed at this group.
For his part, Martínez Donoso said that continuing to collaborate with HM Hospitales “is a challenge for us because the profiles they need are highly qualified and we work continuously to ensure that people with disabilities have the necessary training to meet the demands of companies”. He also recalled that people with disabilities and their families are also an important market niche.
HM Hospitales will work with Inserta Empleo, the ONCE Foundation’s entity for training and employment, to fill new jobs that the company demands, pre-select candidates who best fit the required profile, and provide customized training to enable them to perform the assigned tasks.
Inserta Empleo’s activity is part of the state programs FSE+ ‘Youth Employment’ (CCI 2021ES05SFPR001) and ‘Social Inclusion, child guarantee and fight against poverty’ (2021ES05SFPR003) being developed by ONCE Foundation through Inserta Empleo, with co-financing from the European Union to increase training and employment of people with disabilities.
Likewise, HM Hospitales will favor the indirect labor insertion of people with disabilities through the acquisition of goods and the contracting of services to special employment centers.
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The president of HM Hospitales, Juan Abarca Cidón, and the CEO of Fundación ONCE, José Luis Martínez Donoso, have renewed the Inserta agreement that they first signed in 2017, which will mean that the hospital company will continue to promote the hiring of people with disabilities.
As explained by Dr. Abarca, “it is essential to continue giving visibility and opportunities for direct labor insertion to people with disabilities. This, which seems so obvious, should be an inalienable maxim of our society. HM Hospitales renews this commitment and is committed to raising social awareness in this field. For this reason, and with the support of the ONCE Foundation and Inserta Empleo, we will continue to incorporate workers with disabilities into the workforce, promoting their training and encouraging internship programs aimed at this group.
For his part, Martínez Donoso said that continuing to collaborate with HM Hospitales “is a challenge for us because the profiles they need are highly qualified and we work continuously to ensure that people with disabilities have the necessary training to meet the demands of companies”. He also recalled that people with disabilities and their families are also an important market niche.
HM Hospitales will work with Inserta Empleo, the ONCE Foundation’s entity for training and employment, to fill new jobs that the company demands, pre-select candidates who best fit the required profile, and provide customized training to enable them to perform the assigned tasks.
Inserta Empleo’s activity is part of the state programs FSE+ ‘Youth Employment’ (CCI 2021ES05SFPR001) and ‘Social Inclusion, child guarantee and fight against poverty’ (2021ES05SFPR003) being developed by ONCE Foundation through Inserta Empleo, with co-financing from the European Union to increase training and employment of people with disabilities.
Likewise, HM Hospitales will favor the indirect labor insertion of people with disabilities through the acquisition of goods and the contracting of services to special employment centers.