In collaboration with the main Universities and Business Schools in Latin America, DCH prepares a wide range of studies and research related to the Human Resources function with the aim of providing knowledge and serving as a tool for decision making by Human Capital Managers and their departments.
I Iberoamerican Barometer on the Implementation of Corporate Purpose
DCH, IESE Business School and the University of Navarra
The Ibero-American Barometer on the Implementation of Social Purpose aims to analyze social purpose in depth. This goes beyond the traditional mission and vision of a company, expressing the reason for its existence and activity. It integrates the expectations of society and stakeholders, transforming the way organizations perceive themselves and their role in today’s world.
DCH Talent Management Barometer
EAE Business School
The objective of this research is to know the assessments that human capital managers of large Spanish and Latin American companies have about which are the most important projects and trends this year and in comparison to 2019, in order to have an x-ray of People Management in Spain and Latin America.
DCH Barometer on Digitization of the Human Resources Function
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio Villanueva de la Cañada
The DCH Barometer on the Digitization of the Human Resources Function surveys the degree of digitization of the different HR functions. It is a longitudinal study that aims to analyze over time the digital transformation process of HR departments.
The DCH – Inserta Empleo Study on Talent Management in People with Disabilities seeks to find out how Spanish companies administer and manage the talent of people with disabilities. It is a research that aims to analyze whether Spanish companies exploit the talent of their employees with disabilities. The research has been motivated by the current situation, which allows us to visualize that, legally, the social inclusion of people with disabilities has been a challenge for all citizens and institutions. The legal provision to socially include people with disabilities begins to be applied in the workplace, and it is then when, through public policies, it is mandatory to comply with a 2% of workers with disabilities of the total number of employees of a company that has a minimum of 50 employees.
DCH Ibero-American Observatory on Women’s Leadership
ESE Business School
In recent decades, women’s entry into the labor market has grown rapidly; however, their advancement in some spheres, such as the corporate world, has been slower. According to global data, the presidency of companies and top management is still mainly in the hands of men, an obviously unequal situation, considering the current conditions of women at the educational and social levels. Female leadership can be present in multiple spheres of society, such as politics, science and business, which have historically been masculinized.
DCH y EJE&CON presentan el Libro Blanco sobre mejores prácticas para la Gestión de Talento Senior
La directora del Work of the Future Centre de EAE Business School y autora de la publicación, Pilar Llácer, ha presentado el decálogo sobre la Gestión del Talento
V Barómetro DCH sobre la Gestión del Talento en España y Latinoamérica 2020
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo conocer la valoración que los directivos de capital humano de las grandes empresas españolas y de Latinoamérica, tienen en torno a cuáles son los
Estudios e investigaciones
El teletrabajo gana terreno a la espera de un cambio en la cultura organizativa de las empresas
Ocho de cada diez encuestados en un sondeo de CBRE y DCH a más de 300 empresas aseguran que seguirán teletrabajando cuando se recupere la normalidad. En torno a
webinar > 7 de julio
El impacto del Teletrabajo en las organizaciones. Modelos flexibles para la nueva realidad
En el futuro cercano trabajar desde casa será algo mucho más habitual de manera continuada. Para algunos, el teletrabajo no ha sido una sorpresa porque ya estaban acostumbrados, pero
Estudios e investigaciones
DCH ofrece a sus asociados un benchmark para conocer el grado de implantación del teletrabajo
DCH ofrece a sus asociados, sin coste alguno, la realización de un informe privado para que puedan saber cuál es la realidad de sus empleados de cara al
Estudios e investigaciones
DCH colabora en el estudio Approaching the future 2020 | Tendencias en Reputación y Gestión de Intangibles
Desde la emergencia climática hasta la actual crisis sanitaria generada por el COVID-19 se demuestra que el presente y futuro son inciertos. La resiliencia y la adaptación son ya