DCH – International Organization of Human Capital Directors, has celebrated the fourth edition of the DCH Meeting about Trends in Training in the Aula Magna of IE University, being the Driving Partner, Management Center Europe (MCE).
Eva Valbuena, Head of Talent & Career Department at IE University and David Jiménez González, HR L & D Manager at Telefónica Global Units, and member of the Board of Directors of DCH have welcomed the huge group of attendees to this DCH Meeting on Trends in Training.
Digital attitude
With Juan Carlos García, Senior Associate of MCE, as Master of Ceremonies, this DCH Meeting has opened with the presentation of the book “Digital Attitude”, presentation made by the author himself, Antonio Pamos, PhD, Managing Partner of Facthum Spain. With this interesting work, Antonio Pamos poses a reflection on the presence of technology in our lives, producing an authentic transformation in individual, social and cultural behavior. Also, it exposes the 10 most important digital skills to use a technology that takes us, vertiginously, into a world where artificial intelligence and robotization will perform the most common tasks.
Present and Future of Training in Spain
Next, Pilar Rojo, Professor and Director of the HR Center at IE University, with her conference “Present and Future of Training in Spain”, raises that companies need people who know how to work as a team with new approaches. In this sense, Pilar Rojo, has offered us the results of the study carried out from the HR Benchmarking Club, initiative of IE University, showing the Human Capital Index and the difference between expectations and current situation, said that, after a slight improvement in the first two quarters of the year, has suffered a sharp decline in the last two ones.
Innovative Proposals in Learning and Training
After these first two proposals, Juan Carlos García has presented Elena Giménez, Managing Director of Speexx, who has moderated Round Table on Innovative Proposals in Learning and Training, Round Table conformed by David Jiménez González, HR L & D Manager at Telefónica Global Units, Juan Luis Regaliza, Corporate Director of Training and Development of El Corte Inglés and Heiko Zink, Head of Qualification and Retail HR Spain and Portugal at BMW, three Human Resources leaders from three large companies, from different sectors, with a proposal for training and development of Talent, with a common denominator based on new technologies as a channel and support to keep the people that make up its companies at the cutting edge and creativity levels that a constantly changing market demands.
David Jiménez states that companies have a top-down, strategic type of training and that Telefónica’s learning and development project is committed to facilitating free choice training; invest in yourself, building a workplace to share knowledge and practices.
Juan Luis Regaliza has shared with the assistants the experience of El Corte Inglés, which combines a classic style, a type of face-to-face, with online training, with very good reception by workers.
Juan Luis Regaliza”This year we have started a virtual classroom for highly specialized training, which allows us open two channels in parallel, one is the instructor’s signal, and the other is the instructor support material.” This program allows them to interact with hundreds of students, keeping closer communication with most of them.
Heiko Zink, Head of Qualification and Retail HR Spain and Portugal at BMW, explains that technological progress in the automotive sector is a fact, making training methods adapt to reality and betting on digital formats for training. To do this, they carry out the training of relevant topics at a distance, complementing it with traditional methods.
Making Resilience the New Cornerstone of your L&D Strategy
Samuel Mueller, Chief Growth Officer, closed the circle of the Meeting on Trends in Training with his paper “Making Resilience the New Cornerstone of Tour L & D Strategy”. Samuel Mueller proposes a holistic concept of resilience that begins in the individual and that is transversally projected on the team and the organizations that make up a transparent, collaborative and fully connected ecosystem.
The 4th edition of the DCH Meeting on Tendencies in Training, keep a high interest among the managers that make up the Human Resources ecosystem. This edition has offered a clear commitment to training methods based on technology and, as a main goal, the development of people within organizations in the digital age.
Video summary of the day
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DCH – International Organization of Human Capital Directors, has celebrated the fourth edition of the DCH Meeting about Trends in Training in the Aula Magna of IE University, being the Driving Partner, Management Center Europe (MCE).
Eva Valbuena, Head of Talent & Career Department at IE University and David Jiménez González, HR L & D Manager at Telefónica Global Units, and member of the Board of Directors of DCH have welcomed the huge group of attendees to this DCH Meeting on Trends in Training.
Digital attitude
With Juan Carlos García, Senior Associate of MCE, as Master of Ceremonies, this DCH Meeting has opened with the presentation of the book “Digital Attitude”, presentation made by the author himself, Antonio Pamos, PhD, Managing Partner of Facthum Spain. With this interesting work, Antonio Pamos poses a reflection on the presence of technology in our lives, producing an authentic transformation in individual, social and cultural behavior. Also, it exposes the 10 most important digital skills to use a technology that takes us, vertiginously, into a world where artificial intelligence and robotization will perform the most common tasks.
Present and Future of Training in Spain
Next, Pilar Rojo, Professor and Director of the HR Center at IE University, with her conference “Present and Future of Training in Spain”, raises that companies need people who know how to work as a team with new approaches. In this sense, Pilar Rojo, has offered us the results of the study carried out from the HR Benchmarking Club, initiative of IE University, showing the Human Capital Index and the difference between expectations and current situation, said that, after a slight improvement in the first two quarters of the year, has suffered a sharp decline in the last two ones.
Innovative Proposals in Learning and Training
After these first two proposals, Juan Carlos García has presented Elena Giménez, Managing Director of Speexx, who has moderated Round Table on Innovative Proposals in Learning and Training, Round Table conformed by David Jiménez González, HR L & D Manager at Telefónica Global Units, Juan Luis Regaliza, Corporate Director of Training and Development of El Corte Inglés and Heiko Zink, Head of Qualification and Retail HR Spain and Portugal at BMW, three Human Resources leaders from three large companies, from different sectors, with a proposal for training and development of Talent, with a common denominator based on new technologies as a channel and support to keep the people that make up its companies at the cutting edge and creativity levels that a constantly changing market demands.
David Jiménez states that companies have a top-down, strategic type of training and that Telefónica’s learning and development project is committed to facilitating free choice training; invest in yourself, building a workplace to share knowledge and practices.
Juan Luis Regaliza has shared with the assistants the experience of El Corte Inglés, which combines a classic style, a type of face-to-face, with online training, with very good reception by workers.
Juan Luis Regaliza”This year we have started a virtual classroom for highly specialized training, which allows us open two channels in parallel, one is the instructor’s signal, and the other is the instructor support material.” This program allows them to interact with hundreds of students, keeping closer communication with most of them.
Heiko Zink, Head of Qualification and Retail HR Spain and Portugal at BMW, explains that technological progress in the automotive sector is a fact, making training methods adapt to reality and betting on digital formats for training. To do this, they carry out the training of relevant topics at a distance, complementing it with traditional methods.
Making Resilience the New Cornerstone of your L&D Strategy
Samuel Mueller, Chief Growth Officer, closed the circle of the Meeting on Trends in Training with his paper “Making Resilience the New Cornerstone of Tour L & D Strategy”. Samuel Mueller proposes a holistic concept of resilience that begins in the individual and that is transversally projected on the team and the organizations that make up a transparent, collaborative and fully connected ecosystem.
The 4th edition of the DCH Meeting on Tendencies in Training, keep a high interest among the managers that make up the Human Resources ecosystem. This edition has offered a clear commitment to training methods based on technology and, as a main goal, the development of people within organizations in the digital age.