Published On: November 12th, 2018Categories: News, NoticiasTags:

Last November 7th and 8th, DCH opened the Capítulo Argentino in Buenos Aires, at the head office of Escuela de negocios de la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales in Buenos Aires, with the presence of the DCH Representative in Argentina, Juan Domingo Palermo and the special presence of the DCH President worldwide,  Juan Carlos Pérez Espinosa who travelled from Spain in order to start up Capítulo Argentino and participate in the IV Congreso Internacional de Relaciones del Trabajo held at the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires).

Juan Carlos y Juan Domingo Palermo2

Worth mentioning that the opening counted on the presence of some renowned figures within the Argentinean job ecosystem (CEOs from Companies and NGOs, Human Resources Managers, Consultants, Scholars, Union Trade leaders, Politicians, Specialised Journalists among other public figures).

The main ecosystem of Human Capital Managers, released its Capítulo in Argentina.

In that season, the actions of the Spanish and Worldwide organizations were presented. The DCH Argentinean representative, Juan Domingo Palermo, first commented on the actions which have been done for the first two years: “From the Observatorio del Trabajo several actions have been issued at a global level, both in digital format and in the radial spacein which we also interview Human Resources Managers, Consultants and Scholars from Argentina and other parts of the world. We also established a strategy to encourage the sector to keep supporting the Human Resources Association in Argentina, as we have been doing since 2010, when our Observatorio del Trabajo was born, where we spread news, forums, and in 2017, on the 50th anniversary ofEmbajada de DCH Argentina, it was requested to the headquarters of the organization honouring the Presidents of this institution on their first golden anniversary and we did so during an event held this year”. Juan Domingo Palermo commented as well that in the scholar field some agreements were reached with the Carrera de Relaciones del Trabajo de la UBA – FSOC with the aim of letting people know the activities of the commissions, the academic productions, and support with the presence of the worldwide DCH President (Organización Internacional de Directivos de Capital Humano or International Organization of Human Capital).


“The trends in Work Realtionships in the Digital Era” with MG. Yanina Capettini , Executive Manager at EANA (Empresa Argentina de navegación Aérea), Julia Ferradas, Human Resources Director at Turner Argentina, coordinated by Prof. Ricardo Piñeyro Prins, Lecturer on Teoría y Organización de la Carrera de Relaciones del Trabajo (Theory and Organization of the Work Relationships Degree).

Juan Domingo Palermo established the main objectives of the Capítulo Argentino are, firstly, continue with the supporting actions in all the fields of Human Resources in Argentina in all mass media in the Observatorio del Trabajo (radio, website, social networks, events and new channels which will be started in the season of work ecosystem). Besides, it will be established a initial board of directors, consulting institutions and boards, and the first six activities will be done, three of which will be the Foros de Directivos de Capital Humano (Manager Forum of Human Capital) at the Escuela de Negocios of the UCES (ENUCES Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales).

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Last but not least, Juan Carlos Pérez Espinosa thanked and congratulated Juan Domingo Palermo for the contributions he has been doing from the Consejo Asesor Internacional of DCH (DCH International Consulting Board) all over Latin America and in Israel, regarding the Premio a la empresa saludable y deportiva EHCA(European Healthy Company Award), as well as the participation of the DCH Representatives, who have been collaborating in the diffente sessions of the Observatorio del Trabajo, and finally, all those supports to strengthen and open new contacts in Spain.


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Published On: November 12th, 2018Categories: News, NoticiasTags:

Last November 7th and 8th, DCH opened the Capítulo Argentino in Buenos Aires, at the head office of Escuela de negocios de la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales in Buenos Aires, with the presence of the DCH Representative in Argentina, Juan Domingo Palermo and the special presence of the DCH President worldwide,  Juan Carlos Pérez Espinosa who travelled from Spain in order to start up Capítulo Argentino and participate in the IV Congreso Internacional de Relaciones del Trabajo held at the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires).

Juan Carlos y Juan Domingo Palermo2

Worth mentioning that the opening counted on the presence of some renowned figures within the Argentinean job ecosystem (CEOs from Companies and NGOs, Human Resources Managers, Consultants, Scholars, Union Trade leaders, Politicians, Specialised Journalists among other public figures).

The main ecosystem of Human Capital Managers, released its Capítulo in Argentina.

In that season, the actions of the Spanish and Worldwide organizations were presented. The DCH Argentinean representative, Juan Domingo Palermo, first commented on the actions which have been done for the first two years: “From the Observatorio del Trabajo several actions have been issued at a global level, both in digital format and in the radial spacein which we also interview Human Resources Managers, Consultants and Scholars from Argentina and other parts of the world. We also established a strategy to encourage the sector to keep supporting the Human Resources Association in Argentina, as we have been doing since 2010, when our Observatorio del Trabajo was born, where we spread news, forums, and in 2017, on the 50th anniversary ofEmbajada de DCH Argentina, it was requested to the headquarters of the organization honouring the Presidents of this institution on their first golden anniversary and we did so during an event held this year”. Juan Domingo Palermo commented as well that in the scholar field some agreements were reached with the Carrera de Relaciones del Trabajo de la UBA – FSOC with the aim of letting people know the activities of the commissions, the academic productions, and support with the presence of the worldwide DCH President (Organización Internacional de Directivos de Capital Humano or International Organization of Human Capital).


“The trends in Work Realtionships in the Digital Era” with MG. Yanina Capettini , Executive Manager at EANA (Empresa Argentina de navegación Aérea), Julia Ferradas, Human Resources Director at Turner Argentina, coordinated by Prof. Ricardo Piñeyro Prins, Lecturer on Teoría y Organización de la Carrera de Relaciones del Trabajo (Theory and Organization of the Work Relationships Degree).

Juan Domingo Palermo established the main objectives of the Capítulo Argentino are, firstly, continue with the supporting actions in all the fields of Human Resources in Argentina in all mass media in the Observatorio del Trabajo (radio, website, social networks, events and new channels which will be started in the season of work ecosystem). Besides, it will be established a initial board of directors, consulting institutions and boards, and the first six activities will be done, three of which will be the Foros de Directivos de Capital Humano (Manager Forum of Human Capital) at the Escuela de Negocios of the UCES (ENUCES Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales).

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Last but not least, Juan Carlos Pérez Espinosa thanked and congratulated Juan Domingo Palermo for the contributions he has been doing from the Consejo Asesor Internacional of DCH (DCH International Consulting Board) all over Latin America and in Israel, regarding the Premio a la empresa saludable y deportiva EHCA(European Healthy Company Award), as well as the participation of the DCH Representatives, who have been collaborating in the diffente sessions of the Observatorio del Trabajo, and finally, all those supports to strengthen and open new contacts in Spain.


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