Talent Trends

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DCH Barcelona launches its DCH Barcelona Center of Excellence on Talent Management at its annual meeting on Talent Trends

DCH Barcelona's annual meeting on Trends in Talent: Data & Tech and Talent Management and launch of the DCH Barcelona Center of Excellence in Talent Management. The event, which was characterized by active participation and a highly collaborative environment, offered an enriching day full of inspiration, knowledge and first-class networking opportunities.

  • dch barcelona Tendencias en Talento

DCH and IESE Business School announce their next major meeting in Barcelona on Trends in Talent: Data & Tech for Decision-Making and New Talent Management Models

The meeting, scheduled for July 3, will focus on the crucial role of Data & Tech in strategic decision making and the introduction of new talent management models. Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in interactive discussions, informative keynotes and enriching dialogues on how these trends are shaping the future of talent management.

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